Thursday 1 May 2014

Newly Released Kurt Cobain Letter From Death Scene Mocks Marriage to Courtney Love

Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love pose with daughter Frances Bean in 1993. (Photo: Jeff Kravitz)
Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love pose with daughter Frances Bean in 1993. (Photo: Jeff Kravitz)

Courtney Love and her band, Hole, released a new single titled "Wedding Day" this week. Ironically, the song comes out just as Seattle police made public a note found in the wallet of her late husband, Nirvana's iconic frontman Kurt Cobain, that apparently mocks that very occasion.

"Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife," reads the undated letter, written on stationery from San Francisco's Phoenix Hotel. "Even when she's a b--ch with zits and siphoning all yr [sic] money for doping and whoring…
The handwriting appears to match that of the suicide note left at the scene of Cobain's death, in which he praised his wife as a "goddess" who "sweats ambition and empathy."
Yahoo Music obtained a full copy of the letter from Seattle police, which includes one more sentence: "Will you promise to [expletive] her at least once a week, O.K." Taken in its entirety, the letter could easily read as a lovers' joke; however, Love has not yet commented or made any explanation.
Several previously confidential pieces of evidence from the suicide, including a clutch of photos, are just trickling out now, as the world marked the 20th anniversary of his passing.

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