Sunday 20 April 2014

Eye on the East Bay: Richmond police chief stirs hornet's nest on Twitter

STIRRING twitter hornet's nest: Richmond police Chief Chris Magnus is known as an adroit cross-platform communicator, and he has made a habit of posting punchy, wry reports about local issues on his Twitter and Facebook feeds. 

But earlier this month, he learned just how fast a controversial tweet can spark outrage on the Twitter-sphere. In a since-deleted tweet, Magnus named two suspected prostitutes when announcing the arrest of four people accused of soliciting a prostitute, and three others on suspicion of prostitution.
The post triggered a fusillade of angry responses by Twitter followers who thought his post unfairly mocked the women
@waitinggirl13 tweeted, "I want to know why he found their names amusing #racism." @flyingparchment tweeted sardonically, "yes I'm sure no one could identify them with only their occupation, place of business and name," and followed with "they're only sex workers though so hey who cares right."

Magnus tried to stem the tide, but to no avail. "Actually, neighbors nearby and their kids care. My guess is you don't live in the area. Not fun having kids walk by," which spurred dozens more comments, most of them critical. Magnus refrained from further explanation., the local news site funded by Chevron Corp., jumped on the developing Twitter tussle, reporting that "RPD spokeswoman Sgt. Nicole Abetkov said Magnus is not commenting further on the Twitter exchange. However, to avoid such a reaction in the future, the chief has reportedly decided to be more selective about what he tweets from now on -- meaning he won't attempt to joke about certain crimes."
On the brighter side, Magnus' Twitter feed jumped to more than 500 followers, an increase probably fueled in part by the sudden controversy.

PET HOME MAKEOVER: Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation in Walnut Creek has a well-deserved reputation for its plush pet accommodations. However, that doesn't mean every animal awaiting adoption is content with her or her temporary home. 

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